+33 (0) 7 83 96 01 09 gus_hurst@hotmail.com

THERMAL & XC guiding

Learning thermal paragliding 

You have learnt the basics skills for soaring flight and have developed good take-off and landing technique. Learning the fundamental theory of thermal flying and taking your first climbs circling up to cloudbase is an exhilarating next step. Personal one to one tuition, or a maximum of three pilots per course, we will tailor tuition to your needs and focus on building your paragliding and free flight skill sets. Refresh your knowledge of how to deal with instability and turbulence, learn how to centre in the core of the thermal and take your flying to new dimensions.

Prices – €390/day private tuition or starting from €190/per person in group (prices do not include cable car when used)

Fly Guiding 

You are developing your thermalling skills and have already sampled the delights of climbing up to cloud base. Now, you are ready to try your first cross country flights, gliding to link up thermals and with it the opportunity to explore new wonderous terrains. Working with an experienced guide will ensure you maximise your day and select the best take-off spots and flight plans pertaining to the forecasts and conditions.

Prices – €425/day private tuition or €275/person for two pilots (prices do not include cable car when used)

brazil paragliding instructor